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"Dr. Kay is a powerful force of genuine and fierce love. She will speak to you honestly and with the utmost respect for who you are, exactly as you are. There’s no need to hide with someone like Kay. She is safe. She is wise. She is never going to give up on you, so long as you don’t give up on yourself. At the height of my stress, I wanted to give up. I had nothing left in me. I was slowly fading away, until Dr. Kay stepped in. I will never forget the look in her eyes the day she said to me “we’re going to figure this out and you’re going to feel better.” That moment changed my life forever. Thank you, Dr. Kay, for not only accepting me for who I am, but for celebrating it. For the first time in a long time, I finally feel free to be me unapologetically. Thank you for giving me encouragement to stand up and call my spirit back.”


At every step and turn, Dr. Kay met me where I was at and walked next to me through my darkest moments. I prided myself on being the leader, having unwavering confidence, and always adapting. Before now, it had been years since I was that woman. Finally, I am back there because I allowed myself to ask for help and dove deep into what exactly was holding me back. As so much personal growth often does, my journey started with dealing with a lot of physical pain. Kay met me where I was at, literally on the floor, desperate for answers as to why my physical body was failing me, but I did not want to take any responsibility for myself and how my choices impacted all parts of my health. I was desperate and yearning to feel "healthier" and "more myself" but I was not being specific about how I wanted to feel, who I wanted to be, or how I could do that. That was the first step we took, putting myself first, taking absolute responsibility and authority over my life. Finally, when I could begin to understand that the emotional pressure, anxiety, and inauthenticity had manifested in my physical body, that is when the real transformations happened. I had lost so much of myself, stepped off of my path, and I started to identify thoughts and energy that I had absorbed that weren't mine. Throughout this work I have been shocked a dozen times over at what can happen when we get out of our own way and connect my spirit to my body. I am constantly reminded that I am more in control of my life, actions, and future than I previously thought. Dr. Kay helped me to identify and implement so many techniques for getting out of my own way, and unleashing my biggest potential. Reaching higher and allowing my unending energy to flow allows me to serve myself and serve my practice members so much better than I could have ever imagined. Working with Dr. Kay is something I will never regret, and never stop talking about. I have learned so much from her, and so much about myself. I feel like the best version of myself while also getting back to the version of me that I let get away. Cheers to always healing, raising my vibration, and diving into vulnerability!”


“Dr. Kay Abeid has helped me tremendously with understanding, vulnerability and radical self responsibility. Being a trauma survivor has made it difficult to trust others and be my authentic self and working with Dr. Kay has allowed me to see that I have worth, that I am worthy and I can be authentic without fear of concern of others and their opinions of my life. This, of course, has allowed me to take self responsibility, and take measures to reclaim my physical, mental and emotional health into my own hands, and become a better version of myself and the person that I want to be.”


“Kay is phenomenal! In the short time that I’ve worked with her, she feels like a lifelong friend. She proves loving support and holds space for what I need. She is a mirror and an anchor. I’ve loved our journey so far and I can’t wait to continue to have her by my side.”


“Working with Dr. Kay has been a life- changing experience from day 1! I have always been in awe of Kay and her authenticity, her ability to create this beautiful reality and harmony between being a kick ass entrepreneur and a kick ass mother. I had been waiting for the opportunity to work with her, so the moment she shared her container I snagged it! It wasn’t in my budget but I wasn’t going to let that stop me! I maxed out a credit card with no hesitation because I knew the value would be 10X what I paid. Our first week together, she had me write down very specific visions of my future. I did it, and on paper it looked incredible, but in my heart felt heavy and uncomfortable. By our second meeting I had realized that I was unsatisfied and unfulfilled with my job and had turned in my resignation, stepping away from the security of a paycheck and was immediately given another opportunity that was better suited for me, with equal pay, less stress, and less hours. When you open up and let the universe work for you, it will! She challenged me to change my perspective on how I viewed myself, my future, my thoughts, feelings, emotions, my money, and my relationship with myself. She helped me realize my own worthiness, my own abilities and how to not only trust but actually LISTEN TO my intuition. I’m finally able to allow myself to rest when I need to rest without feeling guilty, and to do what feels good without worrying about how others perceive my choices. I no longer try to control or suppress my feelings/emotions, and can instead experience them, acknowledge them, and let them go. I am more present at home with my children, and at work with my patients. I have noticed a significant improvement in my mood, my energy and my outlook! I have a lot of work left to do but Kay helped arm me with the tools I need to truly become my authentic self with no shame, guilt, or fear. She is worth a million times what she charges! I can’t say enough good things about my experience working with her!”

- Rachael

“I have known Dr. Kay for a few years now from being in the same coaching group and crossing paths with other healing techniques. I have always felt amazing vibes when chatting with her and even though there wasn't anything specific that came to mind that I wanted to work on healing, I was just drawn to signing up for her healing container. We have only had one call so far, but it was so inspirational and eye opening. I felt an ease and comfort that I haven't felt before when working with other programs. One major thing that sticks out is that there was zero judgement. In other situations, there has been times where I felt like I was giving answers based on what they wanted to hear instead of what I truly felt. When working with Dr. Kay, there is an innate trust that you can be who you are meant to be without any judgement. That trust allowed me to really dive into my subconscious thoughts and feelings and things holding me back, instead of just focusing on the superficial conscious level. The universe has already began to open up new opportunities for me since our first phone call. When you allow yourself to be true to yourself, the universe will bring things into your life that is meant for your authentic self. Dr. Kay helps to guide us through that process of really discovering our deep down needs and wants so that we stop wasting time living in the "should do" world and enioy life in the "want to do, meant to do" world. I can't wait to see where I am in 2 months once this container ends. I already know it is going to be mindblowing! There is no such thing as coincidence, so if you made it to the end of this testimony, you are meant to work with her.”


“Dr. Kay has been absolutely critical in my self discovery over the last few years, but especially the last few months. She helped me learn to tune into my intuition and trust in what the universe was delivering to me. I’ve learned to walk in alignment of what’s for me and what my true desires are and through that made huge leaps in planning the next steps for my business.  We’ve talked many times about trusting in the value of what I have to offer and changing my mindset about money.  I have been able to clearly see what path I’m meant to be on and Dr. Kay has been a calm and encouraging voice through the fear of moving in a direction I never saw myself going. I’ll always be thankful for her knowledge and the way she’s helped me through this transition to exactly who I’m meant to be in this world. “


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