Couples Fertility Awareness

Fertility goes beyond the simple concept of egg + sperm = a life formed.

We are creating generations of unhealthy, unadaptable, and imbalanced children.

Generations of physical, chemical, and emotional traumas are continually imprinted and passed along to our offspring through epigenetics. Now is time to take radical self-responsibility of our individual health and well-being… to create healthy and balanced children rather than having to fix our children in their early childhood and young adult years.

Fertility awareness isn’t a one size fits all approach. It is neither a basket of supplements, exercises, nor prescription-based tasks and to-do lists. It is the unraveling and surrendering to our bodies innate wisdom and biological guidance. An opportunity to listen, honor, and heal from within. A walk with the most intimate parts of ourselves, our partners, and our spirit babies.

This container requires both potential MOM and potential DAD to be present, ready, and willing to take responsibility of the physical, chemical, and emotional changes necessary to enhance their overall biological & spiritual well-being, level of adaptation and to ultimately call in their spirit baby and the necessary intuitive wisdom he or she is needing to travel Earthside.

Are you & your partner a good fit?

-You are interested in optimizing the health and adaptability of your offspring BEFORE you start your conception journey.

-You have been diagnosed or deemed as “infertile” under western medical terminology.

-You want to experience more out of your conception journey as spouses or partners and want conscious conception and intention to be the centerfold for calling in your future spirit babies.

-You are desiring biological & spiritual conscious conception.

-You are struggling through the conventional systems of reproductive fertility clinics and are looking for another option founded on health & abundance rather than lack and limitations.

-You’ve already have children but understand the importance of restoring and honoring postpartum depletion, stress adaptation and well-being before jumping back into the conception journey.

-You are looking to make healthy lifestyle changes before having children.

-You’ve already had children and want to be proactive in the health and well-being of future offspring.

What is included in fertility support:

✓ Wholesome Biological & Spiritual Approach to Fertility Restoration

✓ Personalized journey based on couples & individuals goals for healing & conception.

✓ Harmonious with Mother Nature

✓ 1:1 Telegram and/or email communication.

✓ In-person & virtual options.

✓ German New Medicine

✓ Ancestral Nutrition

✓ Frequency Medicine

✓ Emotional Alchemy

✓ Spirit Baby Communication

✓ Nervous System Restoration

✓ Somatic Movement

✓ Quantum Healing Principles

Get Started

Schedule a consultation to ensure we’re an ideal fit for working together. This consultation is to obtain your healing goals as a couple, insights, and communication into what your tailored healing conception container will entail.

A custom individualized package will be presented to each couple based on their specific goals and desired level of support, thus financial investments are not one sized fits all and each couple will be presented with their individualized healing journey and investment for Dr. Kayla’s support + guidance.