

Authentic Rose Alchemy 2.0 is more than just a course—it is a portal to your deepest healing, transformation through self discovery and alignment with your authenticity & heart's desires. By healing your past wounds, reclaiming your self-worth, and embracing your sensuality you will tap into the wellspring of authenticity and creative power that resides within every woman. This biological and spiritual deep dive will radically shift your well-being and awaken your gifts to share with the world.

What’s Included?

  • 1:1 Intuitive Alchemy Healing Zoom Calls with Dr. Kayla

    (only available with full support option)

  • Full Access Support with Dr. Kayla through private telegram channel for the entire span of the course

    (only available with full support option)

  • Fully Personalized 1:1 Support & Customized Unique & Individual Roadmap to Healing & Restored Well-being

    (only available with full support option)

  • Access to our Complete Learning Management System filled with 10 Modules, 50+ lessons of Video & Audio Content.

  • Complete Digital Download of The Authentic Alchemy eWorkbook —a 150+ page workbook to support your journey of healing & self-discovery

  • Access to various other courses and 1:1 healing sessions with Dr. Kayla based on indiviual needs and healing desires.

What’s inside

  • Your Identities & Desires

    The desire of the heart is the only constant among the current of light that weaves through one's life of changing and adapting identities. By breaking down the worldviews, pattern, paradigms within the layers of identities that the ego holds, we can cultivate your innermost desires that resonate and align with your subconscoius vibration you emit in the world. When the heart and the soul are in alignment, your innermost desires are created instantaneously.

  • The Divine Feminine

    The four principles lay the fundamental groundwork for creating a pathway of ease and allowing for the truest self to arise and take form. Love, worthiness, sensuality and power are our divine birth right. Societal and modern day cultures have removed our ability to honor these gifts from within as we consistently seek them via the outside world. By defining our well-being as we see mother nature, we too, can create framework that aligns us in the Divine image of creative powers that ultimately connect us to our purpose and expression of self.

  • Pillars of Pure Embodiment

    The four pillars of emobodiment practice creates the opportunities for awakening and liberating the codex to living in your authenticity. By using our intuition and divine feminine power, we can develop daily, monthly, and/or weekly embodiment practices to safeguard our transformation and open the portal to revelaing our true self unapologetically.

  • Emotions, Limitations, Illusions, Resistance

    The emotions that reside within the body are the roadmap to healing and liberating the paradigms and patterns that have created the imbalance in our current reality. By identifying, locating, breaking down and understanding the stored emotion within we can connect the limitations, illusions and resistance we keep choosing to re-live in a never ending viscous cycle.

  • Your Inner Guidance System

    The Body Scan is the emotional practice of mind+body integration to uncovering the voice of our physical vessel and all its potent wisdom for healing. The Body Scan Practice will be awakened and integrated for each woman to develop her own practice of communication to reveal her unique codex of self-healing.

  • Emotional Imprints

    The Body Scan is the window in to connecting the psyche or mind and the physical. By adding a third component, the spiritual or metaphysical component, to our self healing practice, we can create depth, understand complexities and weave our intuitive guidance system into the power of who we are. By using the emotions that arise from the body's communication and connecting them to our physiolocial expressions, we can reveal patterns stuck within our human and spiritual experiences. These patterns are the healing we all yearn for deep understanding.

  • The Three A’s

    The Three A's activate the emotional guidance system's reflexive abtility to keep us in a pattern of growth and awakening. The definitions, principles, and practices within each step of the Three A's process and integration create a “muscle memory” reflexive approach to exercising the emotional brain daily to activate life long emotional adaptation and nervous system resiliency.

  • Create Your Own Reality

    The education and framework for understanding neurology, adaptation, energy, quantum physics, laws of the Universe and utilizing the power from within to create their reality is key to their authenticity liberating their innermost desires.

  • Deepening Emotional Connectedness

    Use your authenticity to create an impactful ripple effect in all aspects of your life. Mother natures holds the codex and truths of the Universe, even moreso the keys to healing and the ultimate human experience. We must always look to nature to understand the deepening and interconnectedness of life. Together we will take the authentic alignment of self, deepen the understanding and maximize the opportunity for connection to healing our relationships with those outside of ourself —our current or future partners, our children and family/friends.

    Resources to Continue Self-Healing

    Healing is a never ending journey of starting, ending and beginning again—a non-linear and forever endeavor. Access the list of resources and wisdom to continue diving deeper and deeper into the ever evolving layers of your heart + physical vessel.


    Authentic Alchemy In Business

    Learn how to take the intuitive gifts and healing you’ve mastered through self-discovery and create an impact by learning how to share it with others through a current or new authentic co-creative business avenue to share yourself with the world and energetically receive in return.

Real Transformation & Healing

Authentic Alchemy Free Masterclass